Deluminator - Sting a street lamp bulb.The latter will also count towards Bee-Zilla. Active Bee - Sting computers, boomboxes, street lamp bulbs, and balloons.Easter Egg - The Easter egg is found on the top floor of the chicken coop.The Sweet Stuff - Land on food 30 times.Some of their locations include the zoo, amusement park, and boat house. There are multiple flower ladies on the map. The pollen resets when they are out of range. Basketcase - The flower-ladies carry 2 pollen at a time.To Infinity And Beyond - This will come naturally whilst playing the game.Unfortunately there is no way to track your progress towards them, but I believe you need to complete 18 for this achievement. Gathering challenges are marked with a floral icon. I Won’t Do This? - Unlocked automatically after getting the rest of the challenge achievements AND completing all of the gathering challenges.Furious Bee - Fight challenges are marked with a wasp icon.Dance Revolution - Dance challenges are marked with two bees facing eachother.Fast Bee - Chase challenges are marked with a flag icon.Bully-Free Zone - Bully challenges are marked with a fist icon.It becomes available after completing Intruder and is located in the queen's room. It's A Zoo Out There - THIS ACHIEVEMENT IS MISSABLE.To reset the mission, quit to the main menu and re-enter the game. You will need to play this mission multiple times to get the achievement. It is first available after unlocking the trophy room and is located in the hive. Great Hunger - THIS ACHIEVEMENT IS MISSABLE.Side quests are marked with a stylised v-shape: There are 13 side quest achievements, 2 of which are missable. Get Close Examination and The New Me out of the way early and then put all of your knowledge points toward Gotta Catch 'Em All. *If you fail to defeat Harry The Hornet, the story will progress normally and you will not receive this achievement.Īll other achievements aside from Great Hunger and It's A Zoo Out There can be completed after the story during free-roam, however I suggest working on The Sweet Stuff, Basketcase, Ready To Retire, Escape Artist, and Active Bee as you go. These chapters contain 14 story-related achievements: The story is approximately 2 hours long and has 8 chapters We Are Family, Lady Flower, Winter Is Coming, Funny Farm, Bee Hero, Intruder, Our New Place, and Exodus.